Cancellation, Returns, Exchange And Refund Policies On Upfrica

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You can ask for a return if you've changed your mind about an item you purchased or if there is a problem with it. Many qualifying items sold on are returnable depending on the seller, the item, or the reason for the return. To initiate a return, contact the seller via chat on the website to help.

Sell an item

What is the reason for your feedback?


  • 01. Is there a setup fee or a subcription fee when I sell on Upfrica UK?

    There are no setup fees or a subscription fees. You will only pay a 5% handling fee when your item is sold. No sale No fee. How to list and item.

  • 02. WHow will I know when my item is sold?

    You will receive an email notification providing the order details so you can process and dispatch the order.

  • 03. How twill I know when my item is sold?

    We will pay to your bank account immediately after the customer has received their item.